Lawn mowing & lawn care
We offer reliable lawn mowing and lawn care services to help keep your yard looking good.
Choose an annual contract or pay as you go
Weekly or biweekly visits
Stepping Stone Landscaping is licensed and insured
We take the extra step
While we’re on the property we’ll freshen up edging and clear off any accessible hard surfaces.
Ask about our Lawn Care Plus package. We’ll spend time weeding, spraying for weeds, picking up sticks, cutting back ivy, etc. Whatever your yard needs to look its best.
We value your time
Our number one reason for picking up new customers is reliability. We give all of our mowing customers a specific day of the week; no more looking out the window wondering when your lawn will be mowed.
The weather is something we can’t control. If we’re ever running more than 24 hours behind schedule for anything other than weather, you won’t only get our apologies, but that week’s cut will be on us. No matter the circumstances, we communicate with you.
See if you’re in our service area:
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Service available YEAR ROUND
Service available year round
service available in spring and fall
service available year round